Telemental Health Informed Consent

By consenting to participate in sevices health with Strides of Hope Counseling, you understand that telemental health is the practice of delivering clinical health care services via technology assisted media or other electronic means between a practitioner and a client who are located in two different locations.

You are consenting to:

  1. The have the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting my right to future care, services, or program benefits to which you would otherwise be entitled.

  2. Understanding that there are risks and consequences associated with telemental health, including but not limited to, disruption of transmission by technology failures, interruption and/or breaches of confidentiality by unauthorized persons, and/or limited ability to respond to emergencies.

  3. Understanding that there will be no recording of any of the online sessions by either party. All information disclosed within sessions and written records pertaining to those sessions are confidential and may not be disclosed to anyone without written authorization, except where the disclosure is permitted and/or required by law.

  4. Understanding that the privacy laws that protect the confidentiality of my protected health information (PHI) also apply to telemental health unless an exception to confidentiality applies (i.e. mandatory reporting of child, elder, or vulnerable adult abuse; danger to self or others; I raise mental/emotional health as an issue in a legal proceeding).

  5. Understanding that if you am having suicidal or homicidal thoughts, actively experiencing psychotic symptoms or experiencing a mental health crisis that cannot be resolved remotely, it may be determined that telemental health services are not appropriate and a higher level of care is required.

  6. Understanding that during a telemental health session, we could encounter technical difficulties resulting in service interruptions. If this occurs, end and restart the session. If we are unable to reconnect within ten minutes, please contact use to discuss since we may have to re-schedule.

  7. Understanding that my therapist may need to contact my emergency contact and/or appropriate authorities in case of an emergency.